The Unofficial Website Of the North Little Rock, AR
1904- 2004: 100 Years of Protection and Service To The City


15th and Schaer Streets North Little Rock, AR
Engine 3 Responds to An Alarm on 5-8-04 - Photo by Lee Clark
Station 3 serves as home to Engine 3, a 1992 Pierce Arrow Pumper. 

This 1992 Pierce Arrow pumper, which is Engine 3'S apparatus, was Engine 1 until 1999. In April, 1999 the '92 Pierce came to
Station 3. Engine 3 is the first due company on several high occupancy apartment buildings as well as the old Memorial Hospital,
Pulaski College, and Coulson Oil Company.  Engine 3 normally makes the most runs per year of any pumper in the department.
Also, in Engine 3'S District is the Union Pacific's Downing B. Jenks Shops, which is one of the two largest locomotive repair centers
on the entire Union Pacific Railroad. There are also several churches, schools, small businesses and plenty of single and muti-
family residences. Engine 3'S District goes west to the city limits end and south to the Arkansas River. It borders Engine 1 on the
East and Engine 6 on the north. The Arkansas River borders the West and South of Engine 3'S District.

Apparatus Housed in NLRFD Station Number Three
1 Captain; 1
Lieutenant and
1-2 Fire Fighters
Delivered new in 5/ 92; 1250 GPM Pump; 750
Gallon Tank; High Compartments on left side;
Booster Line on top; Side Mount Pump Panel.
Deck Gun. Carries defilibrator. Fully enclosed cab.

Engine 3 Returns From an Alarm on 5-8-04 Photo by Lee Clark
Click on Photo Above for Larger Image

Engine 3 at The Heritage House 5-8-04 Photo by Lee Clark
Click on Photo Above for Larger Image

Interesting Facts About Station 3: Station 3 is presently occupying its third fire station. This location was the SECOND fire station opened in North Little Rock (Argenta). The first two "Pike Avenue" Stations were on the southwest corner of 15th and Pike. The first station was built beginning in January, 1918 and was opened in April, 1918. The first motorized apparatus, a 1917 or 1918 Model T had a Smith Form-A-Truck Chassis added. One of the old Horse-Drawn Hose Wagons was then mounted.

The "Pike Avenue Station" was closed sometime during or after 1920. The Station was reopened in December, 1925 and a 1925
Dodge/ Foamite-Childs Pumper became the apparatus assigned to Company 3. (The Dodge had been assigned at Central for
a few months since it arrived in NLR.) A 1925 Seagrave 750 GPM Pumper arrived in December, 1925. The Seagrave's assignment
at Central allowed the Dodge to come to Pike Avenue as Co. 3. The next apparatus at Pike Avenue was a 1936 Seagrave/Ford 500 GPM Pumper. In November, 1940 the plans for the second NLR Fire Station #3 were announced. It was a two story native stone
building, which opened in 1941. The builder's plaque on the present Station 3 indicates that it was built 1979. The first closed cab
pumper to serve as at Company 3 was a 1947 American La France 750 GPM Pumper. Other apparatus serving as Engine 3
include: The 1959 American La France 1000 GPM Pumper (the first apparatus to move to the present Station 3); The 1978 Ford/
Pierce (from the time Station 5 was closed in 1978, until it reopened in 1979); The 1966 American La France 1250 GPM Pumper;
and the 1992 Pierce Arrow 1250 Pumper.

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